Bronze: cost £900 +VAT
for the period to December 31, 2024 (individual quotes can be given to those joining later in the year).
- generic ‘dates in the diary’ tool
- podcast on Poodling Around & 2 audiograms
- 3 press releases in the year (solus) + versions for use on member’s website
- press releases (as above) posted at dedicated Heritage Buzz, high Google-ranking media
Centre (generating website backlinks) - mentions on Heritage Buzz social media channels
- inclusion in Heritage Buzz ‘group’ press releases, referenced as a member
- inclusion in Heritage Buzz group meetings
- profile on future Heritage Buzz website, when it launches*
Silver: cost £1300 +VAT
for the period to December 31, 2024 (individual quotes can be given to those joining later in the year).
- bespoke social media schedule, highlighting ideas for social posts, per month
- podcast on Poodling Around & 3 audiograms
- 3 press releases in the year (solus) + versions for use on member’s website
- press releases (as above) posted at dedicated Heritage Buzz, high Google-ranking media Centre (generating website backlinks)
- posts about the venue on Heritage Buzz social media channels
- inclusion in group meetings
- one 45-minute 1:1 advice/consultancy session
- inclusion in Heritage Buzz ‘group’ press releases, referenced as a member
- inclusion in Heritage Buzz press releases on certain themes (if contributions are received and have relevant material to offer)
- inclusion in Heritage Buzz downloads on certain themes (if contributions are received and have relevant material to offer)
- profile on future Heritage Buzz website, when it launches*
Gold: cost £1800 +VAT
for the period to December 31, 2024 (individual quotes can be given to those joining later in the year).
- bespoke social media schedule, highlighting ideas for social posts per month
- podcast on Poodling Around & 4 audiograms
- 3 press releases in the year (solus) + versions for use on member’s website
- press releases (as above) posted at dedicated Heritage Buzz, high Google-ranking media Centre (generating website backlinks)
- posts about the venue on Heritage Buzz social media channels
- inclusion in group meetings
- inclusion in Heritage Buzz ‘group’ press releases, referenced as a member
- inclusion in Heritage Buzz press releases on certain themes (if contributions are received and have relevant material to offer)
- inclusion in Heritage Buzz downloads on certain themes (if contributions are received and have
relevant material to offer) - access to Heritage Buzz research findings 2023
- two 1:1 advice/consultancy sessions by Zoom – (90 mins per session)
- mentions on Heritage Buzz social media channels
- profile on future Heritage Buzz website, when it launches*
Heritage Buzz members can also access other services, if they wish to add bespoke needs to their package. We can offer top-ups for:
- PR
- Website articles/blogs
- Website copywriting
- Social media management
- Content download writing
- Award entry writing
- Newsletter writing
Additionally, we can provide Heritage Buzz members with chat bot services that will allow them to engage potential visitors direct from their social media pages, communicate with those potential visitors via push notifications and access any links or offers that the heritage attraction would like to make available to them. Many more options are available to any heritage attraction wishing to explore the power of a chat bot.
To sign up and become part of our Heritage Buzz family, please fill in the form below:
* A website will be created when there are 12 or more members and when it is viable to then have a brochure site. Heritage Buzz is not another heritage attractions’ listing website, however, so this profile will be a bonus but not the core benefit of membership.